The 11 Plus exam is highly competitive for both students and parents. To help you navigate this process, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the 11 Plus exam.


The 11 Plus exam is highly competitive for both students and parents. To help you navigate this process, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the 11 Plus exam.

How does 11 Plus Tutoring work?

What Courses Do We Offer At 11 Plus Tutoring?
Does 11 Plus Tutoring Map To The National Curriculum?
Yes, we carefully follow the updated National Curriculum of the UK as well as the 11 Plus syllabus according to the latest examination board.
What Safety Measures Do 11 Plus Tutoring Have In Place?

We have enhanced DBS-checked 11 Plus tutors to ensure your child learns in a safe environment. Moreover, we keep a close check on all activities.

How Long Are Online 11 Plus Lessons?
Our classes are flexible, each lasting 30 minutes. You can schedule both classes together or in different slots as per your preferences.
Will I Get Feedback About My Child's 11 Plus Progress?
Your child’s tutors provide feedback about the latest improvements in your child’s 11 Plus preparation via Email. We offer an online dashboard to keep track of progress.

Is it right for my child?

My Child Has Unique Needs. How Can My Child Benefit From 11 Plus Tutoring?
The tutors at 11 Plus Tutoring are highly qualified and experts in the 11 Plus process. They create personalised tutoring plans according to specific requirements to improve the 11 Plus preparation for your child.
What Age Range Is 11 Plus Tutoring Suitable For?
Our tuition is accessible at any point of your child’s 11 Plus learning journey through Year 3 to Year 5. If you’re looking for targeted 11 Plus support for your child, we can help them succeed.
I'm Still Not Sure It's Right For Me, What Should I Do?
We always recommend booking a free assessment and a free trial lesson to learn more about 11 Plus Tutoring and how it can specifically benefit your child.

How do I get started with 11 Plus Tutoring?

How Do I Know Which Course To Choose?
When you are prepared to begin, our team will assist you in selecting the appropriate 11 Plus course for your child. If you wish to try beforehand, book free trial lessons.
How Will I Know The Progress My Child Is Making When They Start?
We follow different ways to keep you updated about your child’s progress, including meetings, email reports, personalised calls and an online dashboard.
What Do I Need To Pay Upfront?
After the free trial lessons, you can initiate payment for the first month if you want to take a membership. One of our team members will assist you.
How Can I Access The Online 11 Plus Lessons?
All you need is a laptop, tablet or any compatible device. Afterwards, you will need login details to log into your member’s account to access the live online lessons.


What Is The Cost Of The 11 Plus Course?

Each course will cost you £149 / Per month.

What Is Included In My Membership?
  • We offer two personalised one to one tutoring sessions per week.
  • Your child will have unrestricted access to our 11 Plus resources.
  • We provide regular progress reports and review meetings with our tutors to inform you about your child’s development.
  • You will have access to 11 Plus quizzes, mock tests and online assessments.
What Happens If We Can't Make An Upcoming Session?
If you can’t make an upcoming session, simply contact us and we will reschedule a time that suits you.
Can I Pause My Membership?
If you would like to pause your membership, for whatever reason, contact our customer services team and we will pause your membership.
How Do I Cancel My Membership?
You can cancel your membership at any time. Contact our customer services team and we will discuss and update your cancellation request.

We Are Here To Guide You!

We hope that these FAQs will provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions and feel confident about your child’s chances of success in the 11 Plus exam.

For any other query, you can contact us at  079 6153 6224

Tuition from £149 / Per month

One-to-One Live Lessons

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