11 Plus Numerical Reasoning, prepare for 11 Plus, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

11 Plus Exam Numerical Reasoning Explained

11 Plus Numerical Reasoning, prepare for 11 Plus, 11 Plus preparation, 11 Plus exam

The 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning is a type of assessment schools use to determine a student’s potential for further academic success. It tests students’ ability to interpret data, analyse numerical information, and draw logical conclusions. Numerical ability basic operations are the foundation for success in 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning tests.

It is an integral part of 11 Plus exams, and understanding parents must help their children prepare for the exam. Most of the skills required are taught in KS2 mathematics.  

Numerical reasoning questions in the 11 Plus exams assess your child’s ability to think logically and solve problems. A test like this measures problem-solving, abstraction, and quantitative reasoning skills.

What Is 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning?

The 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning requires pupils to solve problems using numerical skills and analyse them in detail. Your child should know the fundamentals they can use for dealing with problems. Based on the UK National Curriculum, these questions cover different topics in mathematics. 

Typically, entrance exams in Maths & Numerical Reasoning tests include similar topics as Key Stage 2, such as data analysis and handling, fractions and decimals, and algebraic reasoning. However, probability and trigonometry are topics introduced at the start of Key Stage 3.

What Percentage Do You Need To Pass the Numerical Reasoning Test? 

11 Plus Numerical Reasoning test does not have a passing score. The Numerical Reasoning score of one student is calculated in relation to another. Technically, you can’t fail the Numerical  Reasoning test. You can either do well on the test or poorly on the test.

What Is The Difference Between 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning And Maths?

Numerical Reasoning and Maths don’t differ in 11 Plus Exams. Core capabilities are essential for children to succeed. The tests require solid fundamental knowledge, and students who lack them will likely make errors under time constraints and tension on test day.

It is important to remember that CEM Numerical Reasoning assessments follow the Key Stage 2 syllabus, although they may incorporate some topics learned in Year 6. So, there is no need to focus on an advanced curriculum.

  • Simple Calculation Problems in Numerical Reasoning Exams

    There will be a few relatively easy calculations in CEM Numerical Reasoning. There is no need for ‘reasoning’. So problems like 675x 422 will likely come up again; in the past, whole sections have been devoted to quick calculations.

    Four skills are assessed in the tests, including detail-orientedness, agility, and proficiency with four operations.

  • Two-Step Questions In 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning Exams

    Calculating these questions’ answers is simple, but gathering the missing information requires intelligence. The questions are not too tricky These tests are challenging, but remember that time pressure is one of the ways children are assessed.

  • Multi-Part Questions in Numerical Reasoning Exams

    In these questions, students are presented with a graph filled with data and asked four or five questions. While these questions aren’t particularly challenging, avoiding errors is essential because one mistake can lead to another since questions often relate.

    Building your vocabulary: Building your child’s 11 Plus vocabulary is crucial for success on the entrance exam, as many questions require a good understanding of the language.

Resources for 11 Plus Preparation 

There are many resources available to help students and their parents prepare for the 11 Plus exam, including:

  • Study guides: We provide our students with offline and online 11 Plus guides, giving an overview of the exam format and content.
  • Online resources: Our 11 Plus tutoring platform offers online resources, practice exams, tips and 11+ mock test papers to help students. 
  • Tutors: We have the most qualified 11 Plus tutors to help students with specific areas they are struggling with and provide additional practice opportunities.
  • Books: Many books are available at 11 Plus Tutoring to help students prepare for the 11 Plus exam, including study guides, worksheets and practice exam booklets.

11 Plus Numerical Reasoning Test Tips & Tricks For Best Preparation

The best way to prepare for the Numerical Reasoning 11 Plus is to practise. Getting familiar with the types of questions asked and the exam format is essential. Here we will guide you on how to pass the numerical assessment test. Students must be able to identify and solve problems quickly and accurately. Here are some strategies to help students succeed:

1. Master Basics To Excel In 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning

Learning and practising basic math concepts is critical for preparing students for the 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning exams. Some topics to focus on include data analysis and handling, fractions and decimals, and algebraic reasoning.  

Additionally, students should be familiar with probability and trigonometry, which are typically introduced at the start of Key Stage 3. Students must practise regularly and stay focused on their studies to succeed in the exam. 

Parents can help their children by providing support and guidance, helping them find resources to practice. You don’t have to worry if your child answers a wrong question during the learning process. They will be able to improve if they understand why they went wrong.

2. Use Practice Test Papers And Online Resources

Many parents supplement their child’s 11 Plus preparation Numerical Reasoning online tests to understand their child’s ability. Leveraging practice tests and online tutorials can be instrumental in preparing and answering 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning questions. Familiarising yourself with the types of questions asked and the exam format is essential. 

Breaking Maths into simple steps helps children grasp it more efficiently and gives them the necessary self-confidence. Exploring various practice tests and online tutorials can help students become more confident and develop the skills to tackle the Numerical Reasoning 11 Plus test.

4. Seek Professional Help To Master 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning

Preparing your child for the entrance exams can be challenging, especially if the preparation must accompany their regular schoolwork. It can be challenging for students to answer the Numerical Reasoning questions because they are varied. 

Making time for extra tuition can help students understand more complex topics and better understand the various 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning questions. Professional tutoring can also help students stay motivated and build their confidence.

The constructive feedback and practice resources will build your toddler’s confidence and ensure they stay motivated. Additionally, your son or daughter can interact directly with the 11 Plus Maths tutor, clear their misunderstandings and doubts on 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning topics and achieve excellence in tricky entrance exam topics, leading to better grades.

5. Praise Your Child For Good Effort

For young children, eleven plus is a very stressful time. Combating anxiety is essential not to counteract your 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning exams. 

Reward your child’s efforts as they improve rather than make them fear failure. Their progress is encouraged and displayed, and self-respect and gratitude are taught and emphasised.

It is also necessary to remember that your child might have difficulty distinguishing between your love for them and your desire to get them into Grammar School. They may be reluctant to disappoint you due to their fear of failure. By rewarding progress and acknowledging effort, you can show your child you are on the same side.

6. Action Plan to Measure and Adapt 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning Progress

It may take more than a year to prepare for 11 Plus. Your child may have struggled in Maths initially, but that doesn’t mean he or she has not progressed. The systems you’ve put in place must be continually assessed based on feedback. 

Doing this lets you determine whether they are efficient, how much progress your child has gained, and what can be done to improve their 11 Plus Numerical Reasoning skills. Record your child’s results as you work through practice papers. Practising at the right time and on the right day is essential, as fatigue can affect results. 

7. Monitor Your Child’s Lifestyle

Diet, lifestyle choices, emotions, and others can also influence how one performs on a specific day. Ensure you refer to your child’s progress chart and results frequently. A longer time frame will better show how much has been accomplished and how far there is to go. In addition, you can adjust your 11 Plus preparation plan in light of these modifications.


Regular Numerical Reasoning test practice for 11 Plus is essential to help students develop an in-depth understanding of complex topics and expertise with exam techniques to help them answer exam questions accurately and effectively.

With the proper preparation, parents can help their children pass a numerical reasoning test with flying colours for the 11 Plus entrance exams.

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