Look no further if you’re a parent searching for the best 11 Plus Tutoring in Sittingbourne. At 11 Plus Tutoring, we specialise in offering thorough education to children in Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 who want to get into Kent Grammar Schools.
Look no further if you’re a parent searching for the best 11 Plus Tutoring in Sittingbourne. At 11 Plus Tutoring, we specialise in offering thorough education to children in Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 who want to get into Kent Grammar Schools.
We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.
Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.
Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.
Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.
Our tutors are well-versed in the entrance exam and have a history of effectively preparing pupils for assessments. In addition to standard fare like study strategies and time management, they cover every subject in the course outline in great detail.
Hi-Tech Platform
Subject Specialist Tutors
Live & Recorded Lessons
One-to-One Live Classes
3 Lessons Per Week
CEM & GL Curriculum
Regular Homework
User Friendly Dashboard
Real-Time Results
Unlimited Practice
Weekly Assessments
Regular Feedback Reports
Affordable Membership
Secure Payment Structure
Great Customer Service
I heartily endorse 11 Plus Tutoring in Sittingbourne to students preparing for the entrance exam. James’s instructors are committed to his success and provide thorough test preparation. They provide him with the individualised attention he needs to succeed.
The best option for preparing children for the entrance exam is 11 Plus tutoring in Sittingbourne. They provide thorough, individualised sessions with experienced tutors to prepare Amelia for the problematic 11 Plus examinations.
Their area of expertise is offering all-encompassing assistance to pupils who want to be admitted to Grammar Schools. With their teachers, they provide individualised instruction to prepare Richard for tests and ensure he has all the abilities needed.
By adjusting teaching methods, giving students the resources they need to do well on exams, and delivering individualised instruction, we help students reach their full potential.