Are you looking for the best 11 Plus Tutoring in Hornsea? We provide excellent one-on-one coaching sessions for Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 children who want to get admitted into Yorkshire Grammar Schools.
We provide thorough English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning sessions with experienced 11 Plus tutors in Hornsea. Every learner receives individualised attention and will successfully take in ideas through our revision sessions.
We provide your child with the tools and techniques to complete the test successfully. Our professional teachers carefully collaborate with your child on 11 Plus mock tests to help them hone their technique and build confidence.
We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.
Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.
Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.
Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.
Selecting a top-notch tutoring service is essential to your child’s academic achievement. When your child works with 11 Plus Tutoring, you can be sure they will receive excellent teaching from knowledgeable tutors dedicated to helping them reach their objectives.
Hi-Tech Platform
Subject Specialist Tutors
Live & Recorded Lessons
One-to-One Live Classes
3 Lessons Per Week
CEM & GL Curriculum
Regular Homework
User Friendly Dashboard
Real-Time Results
Unlimited Practice
Weekly Assessments
Regular Feedback Reports
Affordable Membership
Secure Payment Structure
Great Customer Service
Working with 11 Plus tutors has significantly increased my daughter’s confidence. They seemed like an extended family since they genuinely cared about her.
Benjamin reached her peak performance with a certain level of assistance and motivation provided by their tutoring team. I am grateful for the tutors’ invaluable help.
Bonnie has begun taking lessons with 11 Plus Tutoring. We applaud them for their passion, commitment, and hard work; each child has benefited greatly.
We consider each student’s preferences and learning style in our one-on-one lessons. The main goal of tutoring is to assist pupils in developing their unique talents and pinpoint areas where they may grow.
Regular practice exams are incorporated into the sessions to monitor student progress. To be thorough, practice exams are planned during June–August. The purpose of these tests is to replicate the real ones precisely.
As part of our online classes, 11 Plus Tutoring offers instruction in English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning assessments.
We regularly provide students with progress reports containing detailed analyses of mock examinations and practice exams. Parents may be informed by using an online dashboard.