We take great satisfaction in our teaching strategies to produce exceptional results. Our one-on-one test preparation programmes will give your child the essential English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning abilities.
Our 11 Plus tutors in Halstead have guided students through the process for many years by instructing and mentoring them. They are well-versed in the curriculum of Essex County Grammar Schools.
We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.
Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.
Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.
Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.
Your child will get the knowledge and abilities needed to do well on tests and get into Grammar Schools with our help. Our track record speaks for itself, and we help students realise their full academic potential while preparing for the 11 Plus test.
Hi-Tech Platform
Subject Specialist Tutors
Live & Recorded Lessons
One-to-One Live Classes
3 Lessons Per Week
CEM & GL Curriculum
Regular Homework
User Friendly Dashboard
Real-Time Results
Unlimited Practice
Weekly Assessments
Regular Feedback Reports
Affordable Membership
Secure Payment Structure
Great Customer Service
I looked for a reliable and effective tutoring service to help my child prepare for his entrance exam. I’m glad I found the online 11 Plus Tutoring Centre. The teachers are not just knowledgeable but also supportive and friendly.
My child had trouble practising once we signed him up for 11 Plus Tutoring. The lessons learned have made a big difference. After taking the time to understand his strengths and weaknesses, the tutors designed lessons to target those areas.
Mia has made incredible progress after a few months of attending 11 Plus Tutoring, and I’m in awe of her development. Her comprehension of the topics has improved thanks to the classes. Studying is enjoyable when tutors are teaching.
Sure, we are aware of hectic schedules. We tailor sessions to your child’s academic needs and schedule. We will find a time that works for you based on your preferences.
Our tutoring concept is customised learning. Our tutors choose the best teaching methods and resources for your child based on an assessment of their learning preferences.
A vital component of our programme is parent discussions and regular progress updates. We’ll update you on your child’s progress, areas for development, and any modifications made to their learning plan.