Our experienced tutors help students build a solid foundation in the core topics. With our 11 Plus tutoring for Thornhill College, we provide one-on-one guidance and support, ensuring each student is well-supported.
Our experienced tutors help students build a solid foundation in the core topics. With our 11 Plus tutoring for Thornhill College, we provide one-on-one guidance and support, ensuring each student is well-supported.
Thornhill College fosters social responsibility, leadership, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. Its mission is to empower women to become capable, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals who can positively contribute to society. As of 2009, Thornhill College has been designated a specialist school in mathematics and physics. The school provides a diverse educational programme in a stimulating environment as part of its mission.
142 Culmore Rd
Londonderry BT48 8JF
United Kingdom
Thornhill College fosters social responsibility, leadership, cooperation, and problem-solving skills. Its mission is to empower women to become capable, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals who can positively contribute to society. As of 2009, Thornhill College has been designated a specialist school in mathematics and physics. The school provides a diverse educational programme in a stimulating environment as part of its mission.
142 Culmore Rd
Londonderry BT48 8JF
United Kingdom
We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.
Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.
Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.
Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.
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