Queen Mary’s High School, established in 1893, is a prestigious girls-only Grammar School located in Walsall, West Midlands. As a recognised academy, the school educates around 700 students, who are organised into four houses: Austen, Brontë, Eliot, and Shelley.
Admissions info: 01922 721013
Upper Forster St
Walsall WS4 2AE
United Kingdom
Queen Mary’s High School, established in 1893, is a prestigious girls-only Grammar School located in Walsall, West Midlands. As a recognised academy, the school educates around 700 students, who are organised into four houses: Austen, Brontë, Eliot, and Shelley.
Admissions info: 01922 721013
Upper Forster St
Walsall WS4 2AE
United Kingdom
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