Our 11 Plus tutoring in Showell Green, Birmingham, for Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 students is trusted and highly recommended by parents due to our 100% success rate.


Our 11 Plus tutoring in Showell Green, Birmingham, for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 students is trusted and highly recommended by parents due to our 100% success rate.

Exam Preparation for Showell Green Grammar Schools

Our 11 Plus tutoring in Showell Green, Birmingham, uses interactive learning tools to help students excel in all key subjects, including English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Nonverbal Reasoning. Our goal is your child’s Birmingham 11 Plus entrance exam success.

We conduct 11 Plus Birmingham mock exams, offer unlimited practice tests, and provide regular homework and worksheets.

11 Plus Tuition Aylesbury

Your Child's 11 Plus Success Is Our Mission - Join Now

What Subjects Do We Offer in 11 Plus Showell Green Tuition?


11 Plus Maths lessons include algebra, word problems, arithmetic and other topics.


We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.


Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.

2Non-Verbal Reasoning

Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.


Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.


Mock papers are prepared to familiarise students with the actual 11 Plus papers.

Elevate Your Child’s Preparation with Our Expert Tutoring

Grammar Schools Near Showell Green Birmingham (11 Plus Format)

11 Plus Mock Exams

2 Lessons/week And 3 Lessons/week At Affordable Prices - Enrol Now

Why Should You Choose Our 11 Plus Tutoring?

Our top 11 Plus Tutoring and 11 Plus exam day tips have helped hundreds of students secure positions in the King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys and King Edward VI Aston School. 

Hi-Tech Platform

Hi-Tech Platform

Subject Specialist Tutors

Subject Specialist Tutors

Live & Recorded Lessons

Live & Recorded Lessons

One-to-One Live Classes

One-to-One Live Classes

3 Lessons Per Week

3 Lessons Per Week

CEM & GL Curriculum

CEM & GL Curriculum

Regular Homework

Regular Homework

User Friendly Dashboard

User Friendly Dashboard

Real-Time Results

Real-Time Results

Unlimited Practice

Unlimited Practice

Weekly Assessments

Weekly Assessments

Regular Feedback Reports

Regular Feedback Reports

Affordable Membership

Affordable Membership

Secure Payment Structure

Secure Payment Structure

Great Customer Service

Great Customer Service

Ready to Conquer the 11 Plus? Sign Up For Free Assessment

Parent Testimonials



We were looking for one-to-one tutoring for our son and found it here. We are so pleased with the results; our son is improving remarkably.



I am overjoyed to share that my son has secured a position at King Edward VI Aston School. We are so grateful for your help.



All the tutors knew how to ideally tailor lessons to my child’s needs. She is now in a top Grammar School, and we couldn’t be happier.

FAQs About Showell Green Birmingham 11 Plus Tuition

We offer the best live one-to-one tutoring by expert tutors, helping students prepare effectively. We also provide mock exams, practice tests, and worksheets.

We boast a success rate of 100%. Our students secure places in the top Grammar Schools.

No, it’s perfectly alright. With the proper support, he can pass the 11 Plus exam. We offer personalised, live, one-to-one tutoring for students in Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5.

To secure admission to King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys, you must score 205. However, the priority score is 224.

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