We provide the best 11 Plus tutoring in Selly Oak for Year 3, Year 4, and Year 5 students, which guarantees success. Our engaging one-on-one sessions nurture your child’s potential.


We provide the best 11 Plus tutoring in Selly Oak for Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 students, which guarantees success. Our engaging one-on-one sessions nurture your child’s potential.

Preparing Students to Secure Positions at Birmingham Grammar Schools

Our tailored tutoring for English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-verbal Reasoning, along with resources such as 11 Plus Birmingham mock exams, practice tests, worksheets, and weekly assessments, helps students excel in 11 Plus entrance exams. 

We take immense pride in being parents’ favourite 11 Plus tutoring in Selly Oak, Birmingham, due to our commitment to providing immediate feedback through personalised calls, weekly reports, and emails.

11 Plus Tuition Aylesbury

Ready To Secure A Seat At Bishop Vesey’s? Call Us Today

What Subjects Do We Offer in 11 Plus Selly Oak Tuition?


11 Plus Maths lessons include algebra, word problems, arithmetic and other topics.


We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.


Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.

2Non-Verbal Reasoning

Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.


Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.


Mock papers are prepared to familiarise students with the actual 11 Plus papers.

Best 11 Plus Tutoring in Selly Oak for just £149 – Join Now!

Grammar Schools Near Selly Oak Birmingham (11 Plus Format)

11 Plus Mock Exams

We Make 11 Plus Preparation Easy, Stress-Free, And Enjoyable – Enrol Now

How Do Our 11 Plus Selly Oak Tutors Help Your Child?

Our expert tutors not only build a strong foundation for your children in key subjects but also help them master exam strategies, boost their confidence, and polish their skills.

Hi-Tech Platform

Hi-Tech Platform

Subject Specialist Tutors

Subject Specialist Tutors

Live & Recorded Lessons

Live & Recorded Lessons

One-to-One Live Classes

One-to-One Live Classes

3 Lessons Per Week

3 Lessons Per Week

CEM & GL Curriculum

CEM & GL Curriculum

Regular Homework

Regular Homework

User Friendly Dashboard

User Friendly Dashboard

Real-Time Results

Real-Time Results

Unlimited Practice

Unlimited Practice

Weekly Assessments

Weekly Assessments

Regular Feedback Reports

Regular Feedback Reports

Affordable Membership

Affordable Membership

Secure Payment Structure

Secure Payment Structure

Great Customer Service

Great Customer Service

Contact Us Today for a Free Live Assessment - Limited Seats Available

Parent Testimonials



The 11 Plus Tutoring played a massive role in turning my son’s Grammar School dream into a reality. In addition to one-on-one tutoring, they provided unlimited practice tests, mock exams, and weekly assessments.



Thanks to live one-on-one tutoring, my daughter Aleeza effectively got her doubts cleared and didn’t hesitate to ask any questions. She is now more than ready to take the 11 Plus exam.



I won’t hesitate to say that all the credit for my daughter’s admission to a top Grammar School goes to 11 Plus Tutoring. I highly recommend it to all parents looking for their child’s 11 Plus tutoring in Selly Oak.

FAQs About Selly Oak Birmingham 11 Plus Tuition

We cover all key subjects in our 11 Plus Tutoring program, including English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-verbal Reasoning.

Before enrolling in our programme, parents and students can take a free trial lesson with our expert tutor. The students can assess our 11 Plus tutoring in Selly Oak during this session.

We offer two lessons per week for £149 and three lessons per week for £199.

You should score 224 or more to secure a priority place in King Edward VI Five Ways School.

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