If you’re seeking 11 Plus tutoring in Boldmere for your child, you’ve come to the right place. Our dedicated tutors assist pupils in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 to pass the 11 Plus test and get admission to West Midlands Grammar Schools.
If you’re seeking 11 Plus tutoring in Boldmere for your child, you’ve come to the right place. Our dedicated tutors assist pupils in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 to pass the 11 Plus test and get admission to West Midlands Grammar Schools.Get Ready for the Boldmere 11 Plus Admission Test
Our experienced 11 Plus tutors in Boldmere specialise in English, Maths, Vocabulary, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. They support your child in these critical areas by providing targeted one-on-one classes to help them develop their skills and knowledge.
Our all-encompassing teaching technique ensures your child receives the guidance and practice needed to perform well on their 11 Plus Birmingham test. Our tutors train students from New Oscott, Old Oscott, Driffold, Short Heath, and Thimble End to take the 11 Plus Birmingham mock tests.
Join Our Programme to Get Amazing 11 Plus Results!
What Do We Include in the 11 Plus Tuition in Boldmere?
We offer a range of online 11 Plus English exam papers, covering all 11 Plus topics.
Building reasoning and analytical skills with online verbal reasoning lessons.
Tutors help students practise non-verbal and spatial reasoning online tests.
Improve vocabulary with 11 Plus online practice tests, including detailed lessons.
Get a Tailored Plan For Your Child's 11 Plus Success!
Grammar Schools Near Boldmere Birmingham (11 Plus Test Format)
- The 11 Plus test consists of two 60-minute papers: English Comprehension and Verbal Reasoning, which assess vocabulary and logical thinking.
- The Maths exam measures problem-solving and arithmetic skills, whilst the Nonverbal Reasoning component tests intelligence and thinking.
- All questions are multiple-choice, and scores are age-standardised to ensure fairness, eliminating any age-based advantage for children.
Improve Your Child's 11 Plus Preparation With Expert Support!
How Our Tutors Support Students Preparing for the 11 Plus Exam?
Our experts help children familiarise themselves with and understand what’s on the 11 Plus exams and prepare them for the challenging 11 Plus exam. They also teach them how to use mock test papers effectively to get into the best Grammar Schools in the UK.
Hi-Tech Platform
Subject Specialist Tutors
Live & Recorded Lessons
One-to-One Live Classes
3 Lessons Per Week
CEM & GL Curriculum
Regular Homework
User Friendly Dashboard
Real-Time Results
Unlimited Practice
Weekly Assessments
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What Do Parents Say?
It’s a fantastic platform that my son enjoys using! I like how it allows parents to track their child’s exam preparation growth and highlight areas of difficulty to help.
My daughter likes the platform. Its adaptability keeps her from feeling overwhelmed, resulting in a pleasurable 11 Plus preparation experience. Thank you very much.
11 Plus Tutoring provides my child with tailored practice sessions and online mock tests. Parents wishing to prepare online should use this platform for the best results.
FAQs About 11 Plus Boldmere Birmingham Tuition
Yes, the only live instructions we offer to students getting ready for the 11 Plus is one-on-one. This allows us to provide individualised help and customised tuition for entrance exam preparation.
Your child has access to and can take as many practice tests as necessary until they feel completely ready. Our experts offer constructive feedback to help pupils strengthen their areas of weakness.
Begin early with regular practice with appropriate 11 Plus mock papers, focusing on basic English and Maths abilities while establishing exam strategies. Encourage reading and avoid putting too much pressure on them.
The West Midlands 11 Plus test is an admissions test used to judge a child’s academic competence and eligibility for a grammar school setting. This exam is available to children in September of their Year 6.